Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happenings at nite class.

1st incident - Had a hilarious night and had a good laugh about it. We were told by the lecturer to do a pair-work introductiona about classmate and I was amazed about my friends who went to upper class secondary school. I mean it is not like as if it is such a big deal or whatsoever but to see them right here in nite class makes me wonder - where have u been and gone to - to come for this nite class. I could see myself as a late bloomer but them?! Wow! Some even came from Tanjong Katong Tech, Cedar Girls and ACJC?! What happen? Gosh! Feel like telling them - give me your GCE 'O' level certificates and I will do wonders. I lament to myself if only I have brain like them. *sigh*

2nd incident - Was doing an intro for my partner who happens to be a single mum to an only child. All was okay until one of the student saying that she has yet to find a suitable man for her now. I was like - What the heck you would say things like that for? - Embarrasing your classmate like that in front of others. I feel it is okay if you joke towards a positive tone but not till you have to embarrass others? Yes maybe he/she may laugh it off but got to think on the negative side. She would feel sad about it. Gosh! These kind of people really gets on my nerves. :(

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