Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Glee ROX!

Was watching Glee on Chn 5. Glee rocks my world because I feel that the incidents happening at school is so so true for all teenagers out there - no matter where they are, although not facing exactly the same issue, but in some way or other. The way Asians and Westerners solving sensitive issues are different too especially on 'gay' part. I can agree to the way of Asians and Westerners but either way has the advantage and disadvantage too. Asian parents can be quite hard to reason with because they have their own traditional way of thinking in terms of family values whereas the Westerners are more accepting to things that happen to them. As for me, I believe that many things happen for a reason and I have no qualms about that. I feel at peace when I don't question the way things happen. I prefer to go with the flow. It is okay to me and there is no harm for trying. :)

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