Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Glee ROX!

Was watching Glee on Chn 5. Glee rocks my world because I feel that the incidents happening at school is so so true for all teenagers out there - no matter where they are, although not facing exactly the same issue, but in some way or other. The way Asians and Westerners solving sensitive issues are different too especially on 'gay' part. I can agree to the way of Asians and Westerners but either way has the advantage and disadvantage too. Asian parents can be quite hard to reason with because they have their own traditional way of thinking in terms of family values whereas the Westerners are more accepting to things that happen to them. As for me, I believe that many things happen for a reason and I have no qualms about that. I feel at peace when I don't question the way things happen. I prefer to go with the flow. It is okay to me and there is no harm for trying. :)

Happenings at nite class.

1st incident - Had a hilarious night and had a good laugh about it. We were told by the lecturer to do a pair-work introductiona about classmate and I was amazed about my friends who went to upper class secondary school. I mean it is not like as if it is such a big deal or whatsoever but to see them right here in nite class makes me wonder - where have u been and gone to - to come for this nite class. I could see myself as a late bloomer but them?! Wow! Some even came from Tanjong Katong Tech, Cedar Girls and ACJC?! What happen? Gosh! Feel like telling them - give me your GCE 'O' level certificates and I will do wonders. I lament to myself if only I have brain like them. *sigh*

2nd incident - Was doing an intro for my partner who happens to be a single mum to an only child. All was okay until one of the student saying that she has yet to find a suitable man for her now. I was like - What the heck you would say things like that for? - Embarrasing your classmate like that in front of others. I feel it is okay if you joke towards a positive tone but not till you have to embarrass others? Yes maybe he/she may laugh it off but got to think on the negative side. She would feel sad about it. Gosh! These kind of people really gets on my nerves. :(