Thursday, July 1, 2010

Shop till you drop!

Had a great day today!!! Got my pay check and spent some of it at Toys 'R' a new starcard and spend it at the max and soon will be rejoicing myself with discounted prices in the future months to come..hehehe... :)

An incident happened. Was looking around at the Girls' Section and bump into A CHOCOLATE ROTATOR which means you have to melt the chocolate bar by microwaving it and then pour into 6 different types of mould, cool it and TADAAHH - chocolate comes in the form of any shapes. Wow! How interactive and interesting is that! I bought it for myself and also, because i would like to do that with my pre-school children in future - just to make them happy and feel delighted at making something. A mother happens to be standing nearby and told me that she wouldn't allow her son to do that. Ha! I walked off coz I can't be bothered with such ignorant people even though I have showed her my WorkPass id that i am from an INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL. Bah!!!Whatever. ;)